1996/97 Season

Travels with my Aunt

Adapted by Giles Havergal from Graham Greene’s novel
Directed by Michael Lasswell
September 3, 1996 – October 13, 1996



By Molly Newman & Barbara Damashek
Directed by Kate Hawkes
October 29, 1996 – December 8, 1996


The Sea

By Edward Bond
Directed by Jon Kretzu
January 7, 1997 – February 16, 1997


Amazing Grace

By Michael Cristofer
Directed by Allen Nause
March 11, 2017 – April 20, 1997


Love! Valour! Compassion!

By Terrence McNally
Directed by Jon Kretzu
May 13, 1997 – June 22, 1997