Co-Presented with PICA's Time-Based Art (TBA) Festival
They, Themself and Schmerm
September 8 - September 11, 2017
Written and performed by Becca Blackwell
Part standup comedy special, part teen zine confessional, They, Themself and Schmerm is Becca’s disturbingly hilarious personal tale of identity, abuse, sexuality and gender. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll question what bathroom to use.
“A singular sensation!”
– New York Theatre Review
Huffington Post, Man With A Vagina Makes Patriarchy Crumble: A Conversation With Becca Blackwell
The Brooklyn Rail, Stanley Kowalski Isn’t Polish Anymore: Becca Blackwell on the Making of They, Themself and Schmerm
“I went into They, Themself, and Schmerm weirdly expecting Blackwell to attempt to summarize their trans experience but instead, Blackwell opens their story up until we the audience can fit inside with them.”
“…bust-a-gut funny, make-you-cry moving, and one of the most compassionate pieces of theatre I’ve ever seen.”
“They, Themself, and Schmerm is – to my mind – an affirmation of value attained via an acceptance of a tangled life spent coloring outside the lines. And it is an affirmation that feels important to witness.”
“…despite your strict warning that nothing you said should inform our understanding of the LGBT community, your audience emerged from the theater last night with a greater awareness of a sociocultural transformation underway…”
“Blackwell’s They, Themself and Schmerm sucker punches its way out of the one-person show genre, gifting the audience not only VIP access to the life of a talented trans actor, but also an education.”