The following is a list of sensory and content warnings for the play WILD/CAUGHT. Please use this information take care of yourself.
Click to see more specific information about the content warning. Major spoilers ahead.

General Content Advisory
Workplace sexual harassment

Sensory Warnings
  • Lights:
    • Potential strobe lights (1 sec increments when guillotine is sliced)
    • Strobe lights sequence (Gore death scene) 
      • Red wash, white strobes
  • Sound:
    • Pg 27: Kristen screams in surprise 
    • Pg 37: Gore’s scream as he dies
    • Throughout: Gore’s voice may be auditorily grating
    • Throughout: Repetitive factory bell rings for a few seconds at a time
Workplace sexual harassment
  • Pg 8: Boss makes a comment sexualizing a young female employee (may not be heard by audience)
  • Pg 9: Workers briefly discuss the boss’ past sexualization of young employees
  • Pg 16: Workers worry about Kristin’s safety as she is in a private meeting with their boss
  • Pg 18: Hope alludes that she was sexually harassed at this job when she was young and suggests that they should all just 
  • Pg 23: Boss makes a comment sexualizing a young female employee (may not be heard by audience)
  • Pg 32-33: Boss makes unsolicited romantic advances on a young female employee (boss’ dialogue may not be heard by audience)
  • Pg 36-38: Attempted rape (sexualizing comments from boss- may not be heard, followed by a scuffle between Kristin and an imaginary character)
    • Unseen character grabs Kristen’s arm, Kristen shoves him into the unseen guillotine, where he is decapitated (all violence non-graphic and pantomimed) 
Animal Butchering
  • Animal butchering
    • Throughout: Workers discuss and pantomime processing fish for canning, with visible kitchen knives
    • Pg 9-10: Workers explain the process of cutting up the salmon, using a prop salmon with non-realistic guts/flesh
    • Pg 27: Workers pull “worms” out of sick salmon (non-graphic) and mention that the salmon are full of holes
Discussion of deportation
  •  Pg 5: Workers mention that an old coworker is no longer employed nor in the country
  • Pg 11-13: Workers discuss the deportation of an old coworker due to workplace retaliation, along with their own fears of deportation
  • Pg 10: Kristin vomits into a bucket. 
  • Pg 18-19: Vomiting sounds (facing away from audience)
  • Pg 19: Brief discussion of pregnancy morning sickness
Fatphobia/Derogatory comments about weight
  • Pg 14-15: Derogatory comments about employee’s weight made by boss (may not be heard by audience)
Mention of pregnancy
  • Pg 16: Characters allude to Maria being pregnant
  • Pg 19: Brief discussion of pregnancy morning sickness
  • Pg 15: Maria uses her knife to pantomime her desire to harm Gore
  • Pg 20: Mention of men dying in war and not returning home
  • Pg 24: Mention of wartime injury
  • Pg 37: Unseen character grabs Kristen’s arm, Kristen shoves him into the unseen guillotine, where he is decapitated (all violence non-graphic and pantomimed) 
  • Pg 39: Workers pantomime butchering Gore as if he is a fish. Fake blood is applied to their faces. It is implied that the workers put Gore’s chopped up body into cans. 
  • Pg 34: Hope’s finger dislocates, Kristen snaps the finger back in place