Artists Rep, in collaboration with Grady Britton, is proud to present the new look and feel of ART!

Artists Repertory Theatre debuts new brand work from marketing agency Grady Britton
Grady Britton provided the local nonprofit with $25,000 in-kind marketing services
PORTLAND, Ore., September 14, 2020 – Today, Portland’s longest-running professional theatre company, Artists Repertory Theatre (ART) debuts its new brand, made in partnership with one of Portland’s longest-standing brand development and marketing agencies, Grady Britton. Grady Britton selected ART as its 2020 grant winner through a program that this year celebrates its 10th anniversary of awarding a Portland-area nonprofit $25,000 in-kind branding and marketing services. From their work together, ART’s new logo, typography and vibrant color palette, along with a new tagline and refined messaging, illuminate the nonprofit’s dedication to fostering a diverse community of artists and audiences.