Rebecca James Ridenour
Rebecca is very happy to return to Artists Rep. Portland credits include Judith in Equivocation at Post 5 Theatre (directed by Paul Angelo), Constance Leadbelly in Good Night Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet with Northwest Classical (Brenan Dwyer/Sarah Tansey), Miss Foxhill in Suddenly Last Summer with Shaking The Tree (Samantha Van Der Merwe), Gender Tree with Post 5 Theatre (Ty Boice), Ophelia in ¡O Romeo! with Milagro Theatre (Olga Sanchez), Susan Brady in The Playboy of the Western World with Artists Rep (Dámaso Rodriguez), Goneril in Lear and Brutus in Julius Caesar with Bag & Baggage (Scott Palmer), Nancy in Hard Times Come Again No More with Sowelu Theater (Lorraine Bahr), and Spectravagasm I,II,III, VI,VII,VIII (Sam Dinkowtiz). Rebecca is a graduate of Portland Actors Conservatory class of 2012. Many thanks to Kevin Jones and the company.