Hello ART Community,
I am thrilled to have some very good news to share with you. Due to a generous gift from Mary and Tim Boyle, and two other fantastic donors, we will be able to include the building out of the lobby space within our current phase of renovation, now underway at our home on 1515 SW Morrison St.
This is exactly what we needed to happen to propel ART forward. The grand lobby is the heart of the new building and we will be able to present work there as early as spring 2024
This build out will be a rough finish of the space, with all of the comforts and necessities our guests will need including an elevator from the parking garage. It will be furnished with real theater seats, which are moveable to accommodate multiple configurations – and will later become the seats used in the completely finished theater and studio.
With this amazing news we are set to have a beautifully finished building, with partial occupancy in the lobby, and parking – and be set to launch fundraising for the final stages to completely build out the interior.
We can’t yet say what we will present in this lobby space, and honestly it may not be a full play. We are still struggling with operational cash and don’t have the funds for a full production. However, we are thinking creatively about fun, meaningful things we can do in that space as soon as possible.
There is also positive news for our operating cash crisis. We’ve received a steady trickle of donations, and with successful fundraising in Nov/Dec anticipate being able to stay afloat through March – with optimism for making it through the fiscal year.
Our plan is to continue to build on the momentum of this moment, share our story, and continue to make strategic decisions that conserve our cash and accelerate our ability to put on plays and develop meaningful work. I remain optimistic that we will pull through this fiscal year, and be able to emerge on solid footing for a healthier future.
Take good care – And thank you!
Aiyana Cunningham
Managing Director, ART
“The word theatre comes from the Greeks. It means the SEEING PLACE. It is the place people come to see the truth about life and the social situation.”
– Stella Adler